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A member registered Jan 21, 2022

Recent community posts

I unistall and reinstalled yet there is nothing in the "more" section of extras.. Is there something specific needed to be done?

As the title say, I can't interact with anything in a map when I move, I have to rewind the player everytime, which make playing deeply annoying

Hey! I have an issue with "Controlling your feelings", on the part where you're supposed to go to the dojo after doing "The Forge" event, I've done all the event with Tailé but nothing triggers in the dojo, regardless of the moment of the day

There should be at least a way to get them off you, exploration is a chore when you're interrupted every 5 second for several times that span by every possible enemies, especially tentacles that are just not dodgeable

Another Night community · Created a new topic No healing??

Having a battle aspect is fine, but why no healing? Any miss fucks you up later as you have no way to heal up and I searched all I could to find if there was any

Hi, amazing work so far! 

Just wanted to report... Since downloading the latest version I'm send to the title screen when trying to ask Estia or Tsu to be my alarm clock, didn't got it with the others tho